As the year comes to a close, I thought now would be a good time to review my favorite workout programs and diet plans. So what are the key components of the best workout programs and best diet plans? In general, I think any good program provides some background and guidance as to why it is effective. That should in turn help the reader understand and even construct their own workout program or diet plan. Additionally, I find that the best workout programs and best diet plans lay out a recommended approach. Obviously, this provides a starting point for readers. Ultimately, I believe the best programs offer specificity as well as customization. In other words, a reader can either perform an exact recommended routine or gain enough knowledge to create their own routine. In this manner, the best workout programs and best diet plans can be effective for both beginners and experienced fitness fanatics.
Free Workout Program and Diet Plan
Before I review the best workout programs, I’d like to do a little self promotion. My fitness guides are far from the best, but I’d like to think they offer a number of useful tips for people both new and old to exercise. The best part is that they’re free.
Fitness in a Flash: my free diet and exercise guide to help you get lean, defined muscles without spending hours in the gym.
Best Fitness Tips: I’ve write winter workout articles to help you easily find the information you’re looking for.
Best Core Exercises for Men and Women: my free tips on fat burning workouts and diets for men and women.
Hopefully these resources help guide you in developing your own fitness program. On to the best programs!
Best Workout Program for Men
Hands down, I think Visual Impact Muscle Building is the best workout program for men. While it’s technically a muscle building course, there’s so much knowledge strewn in here that you can use the strategies for whatever goal you’re trying to achieve. Trying to gain as much mass as possible? Do Phase 1. Want more of a maintenance approach to gain some muscle while burning some fat? Do Phase 2. How about a focus on reducing body fat while maintaining lean muscles? Do Phase 3. Of course, the best choice is to go through all these phases. I did so two years ago with good results and I’m now working through again.. Bottom line, Visual Impact Muscle Building is a solid 6 month program and also gives you all the tools you need to develop your own routines for the future.
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