Just because the perfect winter storm is howling like a banshee outside doesn’t mean your body-weight training schedule has to suffer along with your plants and small animals. After you’ve taken care of getting your home secured for the onslaught of the “blizzard of the century”, you can use this handy small space full body workout to keep your metabolism up and fight off cabin fever.
The Exercises
Hindu Push-Ups
Hindu Squats
Pike Push-Ups
Warm Up with a 5 Bur-pee Ladder at a medium pace.
The Circuit
Round 1
Hindu Push-Ups – Max reps in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Hindu Squats – Max reps in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Pike Push-Ups – Max Reps in 2 minutes
Bur-pees – Ladder of 8
Round 2
Hindu Push-Ups – Max Reps in 2 Minutes
Rest 1 minute
Hindu Squats – Max Reps in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Pike Push-Ups – Max Reps in 1 Minute
Bur-pees – Ladder of 5
Sub Flutter Kicks or Ab Bicycles for Pike Push-Ups if you want to put more work on your abs.
So, now you can fight off the Winter Storm Blues with a quick full body workout you could almost do in a phone booth (maybe if it was laying on its side with the door open on top). Don’t let a raging Mother Nature ruin your exercise schedule. If you are a regular gym-goer, don’t panic. The spring thaw is only a couple of months away…
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