There seems to be a lot of promising information out about eating for your blood type. We have gathered some of the information and provided it for you.
The History of Blood Type B
Blood type is O is considered to be the oldest and original blood type. The second group to evolve from blood type O was blood type B, which currently accounts for 8% of the population. Apparently, blood type B came into being as our ancestors migrated across the many continents, leading to a nomadic existence. Blood type B may have initially mutated in response to the changes in climate. People with this blood type generally have balanced digestive and immune systems and respond well to stress. They have the ability to tolerate a wide diversity of foods. This particular blood type is able to eat lean meat and dairy foods in moderation. However, chicken should be avoided due to a form of lectin (a certain protein) that makes the blood thicker and stickier. B people have the best blood type for modern-day society: their blood is not as thick as an A or as thin as an O.
On the whole, type B's are sturdy and resilient; they are able to bypass some of the most threatening diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Even if they do contract these diseases, they have a better chance at surviving them. On the other hand, however, they are more likely to contract auto-immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Foods To Eat |
Meats |
Lamb, Rabbit, Venison |
Fish |
Caviar, Cod, Flounder, Grouper, Haddock, Halibut, Mahi-Mahi, Ocean Perch, Salmon, Sea Trout, Sole |
Dairy Foods |
American Cheese, Blue Cheese, Ice Cream, String Cheese |
Beans |
Kidney, Lima, Navy, Soybeans |
Cereals, Breads, & Grains |
(should consist of) Oat Bran, Oatmeal, Rice Bran, Puffed Rice, Rice Cakes, Oat Flour, Rice Flour |
Fruits & Vegetables |
Most fruits & veggies |
Foods To Avoid |
Meats |
Bacon, Chicken, Cornish Hens, Pork |
Fish |
Anchovy, Lox, Bass, Yellow tail, All Shellfish |
Dairy Foods |
bananas, cantaloupe, coconuts, honeydews, mangoes, oranges, papayas, plantains, tangerines |
Beans |
Black, Garbanzo, Lentils, Black-eyed Peas |
Cereals, Breads, & Grains |
Rye, Wheat, Multi-grain, Corn |
Fruits & Vegetables |
Artichokes, Avocados, Coconuts, Corn, Olives, Pumpkin, Radishes, Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes, Persimmons, Pomegranate, Prickly pear, Rhubarb, Starfish |
Know what's REALLY good for weight loss?
Green Veggies -They help you lose weight because they fill you up with fiber, and they're low in calories!
Sweet Potatoes - They also help you lose weight since they are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which help regulate blood sugar levels and satisfy the appetite.
Oatmeal - It's great for weight loss since it contains both soluble & insoluble fibers, and maintains proper blood sugar levels.
Pineapple - Because it assists with digestion and it's a great substitute for more fattening desserts, since it has a sweet taste!
Suggested Exercise Programs for people with Type B Blood
Because type B blood evolved ultimately from both types O & A, the exercise pattern best suited for those people with this blood type is a balance between strenuous and moderate exercises. The best workouts include: hiking, biking, cycling, tennis, aerobics, and swimming, along with less strenuous activities such as tai chi, yoga, walking, jogging and golf.
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