In my last two posts I’ve discussed how I use pushing exercises and pulling exercises as part of my workout routine. When I do heavy weight low rep super sets, I like to pair a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise. When I do low weight high rep training to failure, I like to perform pushing exercises one day and pulling exercises another day. In this post, I wanted to quickly review a few different pushing exercises and pulling exercises that you can incorporate in your workout routine.
What Are Pushing Exercises & Pulling Exercises
So what’s the difference between pushing exercises and pulling exercises? Pushing exercises are pressing motions that generally utilize your chest, triceps, and shoulders while pulling exercises emphasize your back, biceps, and shoulders. While it’s not the best way to gain strength, it’s convenient for me to superset a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise. This results in utilizing mostly differently muscles allowing other muscles to rest. When doing high rep training in order to gain muscle mass, I divide the exercises into one day of pushing and one day of pulling to create cumulative fatigue. Again, it’s very simple as I know what motions and muscles I’m targeting on any given day.
Below I’ve listed the pushing exercises and pulling exercises I’m currently doing as part of high rep training to failure. These are the same exercises I pair together for super sets when doing low rep strength training as well.
Pushing Exercises
Incline Press (2 sets)
Bench Press (2 sets)
Shoulder Press (2 sets)
One Arm Pushups
Handstand Pushups
Ring Dips
Ring Pushups
Decline Pushups
Kettle bell Military Press
Kettle bell Floor Press
Lying Triceps Extension
Seated DB Press
DB Flies
Triceps Kickback
Pulling Exercises
Ring Pull Ups
Standing Curls
One Arm Ring Rows
Preacher Curls
Pull Ups
Incline DB Curls
Inverted Row
Renegade Row
Parallel Pull Ups
Kettle bell Clean
Kettle bell Row
Chin Ups
DB Rear Lateral Raise
Upright Row
Standing DB Hammer Curls
Bent Over Row
DB Front Lateral Raise
DB Side Lateral Raise
Again, these exercises take about 30 minutes to complete so I perform 4 minutes of Tabata kettlebell swings followed by 10 minutes of rowing to finish off the workout.
Variations on Pushing Exercises & Pulling Exercises
As you can see, I rotate through exercises based on the muscles I’m utilizing as well as whether they require vertical or horizontal movements. You can utilize either dumbbells or barbells for the weight training exercises. If you’re looking to vary your body weight exercises.They’re used by a lot of Cross Fit people and instantly make exercises like pushups, pull ups, dips, and inverted rows more difficult. While the variety of performing 15-20 different exercises keeps my workout interesting, you could just choose 4-5 exercises and simply do 4-5 sets of each. As I mentioned in the previous posts, if you’re focused on strength training, stick to 3-5 reps with 2-3 minutes of rest between sets. It’s best to avoid failure by doing a pushing exercise followed by a pulling exercise. If you’re focused on building mass, do 12-15 reps with 45-60 seconds rest. To create cumulative fatigue, do one day of pushing exercises and one day of pulling exercises. Simple yet effective; that’s all there is to it!
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